Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Do these exercises,and maybe one day soon you can say,...I can see without glasses

After a long day at work, the eyes are tired and need to relax and renew to improve vision. The constant strain day in and day out does nothing but damage the eyes. Below are three exercises design to remove the eye strain.

The first exercise is the Dot exercise. To do this find a period or comma on the page and focus on making it as clear as possible. Stare at the period until it comes into focus. Chances are after a few seconds the period will actually became less clear and blurry.

Try relaxing your eyes. Close them for a minute and let them relax. Now look at the period without straining. Don’t stare; instead, let your eyes slowly move around the page, over and around the period. Don’t focus only on the period, the eyes need movement. Make sure to blink a bit. Try closing your eyes and picturing the dot and then look at it again. Once the eyes are relaxed it should be easier to see the period.

The second exercise is the Word exercise. Find a word on the page that is five or more letters long. Stare at the word so that all the letters are in view, but don’t move the eyes. Focus entirely on the whole word trying to get the best image in your head. Again, staring and concentrating hard is going to cause the word to blur.

Now, relax your eyes and allow them to move slowly over, around, and across each letter of the word. Blink. Allow the eyes to lead you; don’t force them to look at what you want. The word should be clearer when you look at it again. Letter the eyes move around is what will help them work best without the strain.

The third exercise is the Double Vision exercise. This exercise is meant to get your eyes to work together as a team. Most people use one eye to look at an object, while the other eye does its own thing. Squinting can help bring an object into focus with both eyes, but this causes unnecessary stress. The trick is to relax the eyes, focus on the object in a calm way, and allow both eyes to focus together.

Learning exercises to relax the eyes is a great way to develop lasting habits and ensure great eyesight for years to come.

If you would like to know more,check it out at visionwithoutglasses.com

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


More and more jobs require the use of computers. With the information age being available on the computer, more and more people are spending endless hours in front of the screen. After a long day in front of the computer, it is common to start feeling tired, irritable, or pain in the eyes or head. Staring at computers and forgetting to relax and give the eyes a break can cause permanent damage and eye problems.

No one is expected to live a life without computers; we all need them and are use to them being a part of our daily lives. However, it is important to listen to our bodies and relax or take a break when necessary.

Listen to your body; it knows better than you do when it’s time for a break. Do not work until your eyes burn; you missed all the previous signs. Take short breaks every hour of work. This means get at least once every hour and walk around. However, taking breaks isn’t enough. Look away from the screen every 15-20 minutes for a minute or two. Look at things close and far away to allow the eyes to adjust and move around. The goal is to avoid the strain in the first place.
Blink as often as you can to keep the eyes lubricated. Take a few minutes to roll the eyeballs around; you can do this with your eyes open or closed to avoid looking silly. Open and close your eyes often to give them a short break. Yawn if you have too. Yawning stretches out the jaw muscles and keeps them from becoming tense causing headaches and eyes strain.
Move around as much as possible. You should always be in a comfortable position so adjust your body or chair as often as needed. Move the keyboard or monitor so you aren’t stretching your neck or looking at things at a strange angle. Try to avoid glare on the monitor, move it around as the sun moves or get a screen protector.

Keep the work area bright and well lit. Bright lights lighten up the mood and keep you feeling positive. Dim lights only bring down your mood and cause you to feel sluggish. Making minor changes in the work space and taking breaks often can keep long hours in front of the computer from permanently damaging the eyes.

Discover more tips to improve your eyesight..Check it out at visionwithoutglasses.com